Graduate Student Travel Support (GRAD TRAV)

Who is eligible?

PhD or Master’s students in good standing in IAC, with approval of faculty advisor and School Chair or Director of Graduate Studies (DGS). Students are eligible to be funded by IAC at most one time each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30)

What is funded?

Matching funds (to School or Advisor's research budget) for travel expenses and registration to give a presentation at a domestic or international refereed conference. Domestic reimbursement up to $300 in matching funds; international reimbursement up to $500 in matching funds. One trip per student per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). Any unused funds must be returned to the general funds. Please note that most trips ending in June will be reimbursed in July and count toward the following fiscal year.

Due Date:

Rolling as long as funds are available. Please apply as soon as possible after acceptance of your presentation and well in advance of the trip. (Applications made after the trip cannot be approved.) Please note that applications received after April 30 will typically not be reimbursed until July.

Application Process:

Online Application (accessible only from campus or VPN) is initiated by the Student, who supplies the email of the advisor or School administrator who will certify that funds are available at the School level to be matched by IAC.

Review and approval by: IAC Financial Staff, IAC Associate Dean for Research & Outreach